
Thursday, January 13, 2022

Resource Share - AHB's Manuscript Recipe

Dr. Amber Harris Bozer avatar

One of my colleagues has launched a website full of resources that can help us all. Dr. Amber Harris Bozer is one cool cat. I love this neuroscientist's passion for sharing and learning! As Associate Editor for the Journal of Social Media in Society, she created an entire how-to manual for our editorial team. And now, she's creating and curating how-to's for researchers at all stages.

Dr. Harris Bozer's ability to organize and outline processes is one to emulate. On her website, she has a Manuscript Recipe that might help you as you revamp an article or strike out on your first one, step by step. You'll also find a timeline for thesis/dissertation committees that will guide chairs and students alike. She has it all for you to download, adapt, and share some more.