
Thursday, August 1, 2024

OER as a way to share student case studies

In my graduate communication ethics course, students consume a lot of case studies and then write one of their own. So many interested cases began to pile up with no reader beyond me. I am a big fan of using OER -- Open Education Resources -- for my courses, and thought why not help our students create one showcasing their ethics case studies. Now into our second volume, I present What If: Ethics Case Studies.

Placard that says What if: Ethics Case Studies

Cases use various philosophies to illustrate how a case can be analyzed weighing principles/values, stakeholders, and facts. Here's a peek at the table of contents:

I am extremely proud of my students for their willingness to share their work with others in the OER format. We have it set up where other instructors can remix cases for their own courses. 

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